Student Expectations

Summer School Student Expectations

Summer School students are expected to follow the District’s Code of Conduct, as described below:

The Abbotsford School District expects all students to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the respect of others:

  • Be honest and forthright
  • Treat others with respect and courtesy
  • Respect the property of others
  • Attend regularly and punctually
  • Work to the best of their abilities

And to promote and maintain a positive school climate which is free of:

  • lying
  • cheating
  • theft
  • intimidation
  • prejudicial behavior
  • racism
  • harassment
  • illegal substances, or substances which can be abused
  • violence
  • weapons

Conduct by any student that adversely affects a school’s climate or operation, including disruption of the learning environment, shall be considered a breach of the District Code of Conduct, warranting appropriate forms of intervention that may include suspension from attendance.

Consequences for Unacceptable Behaviour

Any behavior contrary to the Student Code of Conduct is unacceptable and may be dealt with as follows:

  • Minor instances of misbehaviour will be handled on the spot by staff members.  Students will become aware of their poor choices and will be helped to formulate more acceptable alternatives for the future.
  • Major instances of misbehaviour (conduct injurious to the safety and/or dignity of students or staff, or repetitively or extremely disruptive behaviour) may be handled in the manner described below, keeping in mind that consequences will vary because of differences in individuals and circumstances.
    • 1.  First consequence.  The principal talks to the student.  A Thinking Paper is used in a behavioural interview.  Notification is sent to parents by sending home a copy of the Thinking Paper.  A behavioural file is started for the student.
    • 2.  Second consequence.  A conference with parents is held, in person or by phone.  In-school and out-of-school suspensions are discussed.
    • 3.  Third consequence.  In-school suspension.  In an in-school suspension a student has very limited contact with other students, giving him/her time to reflect on the value and importance of acting as a responsible member of a society.  A student would report to the office upon arrival, work in an area away from his/her peers, and would not have recess or lunch with other students.
    • 4.  Fourth consequence.  Out-of-school suspension.  The student is prohibited from entry on school grounds.  Schoolwork is assigned so that academic progress is not interrupted. This suspension may last from one to five days, based on the severity of the misbehaviour and the history of the student's behaviour.

Students shall receive all of the positive support that we can muster in order to help them stay in school and be successful.